Office CG Perspective
Purchase Competition
in The Philippines 2022

In October 2022, we are soliciting in the Philippines a competition that serves as an opportunity to purchase office design CG perspectives.
We design offices, stores, landmarks, etc., and constitute a network for construction, primarily in Japan as a group.
The environment surrounding offices has changed drastically as the world moves toward the new normal in recent years. Offices are no more vast spaces like a single box that can hold as many people as possible.
The entrance must give visitors the corporate image as the face of the company. It must be something that motivates and makes employees proud.
Workspaces and MTG rooms must be spaces that facilitate better discussions and ideas while reducing stress loads.
The free space must be a site that contributes to improving business efficiency by refreshing the mind and body.
The president's room should be an area that maintains a calm and dynamic state of mind to make crucial decisions affecting the corporate fate.
This way, no superiority or inferiority exists in any space, and a perfect balance is essential.
In this first attempt of the company, we decided to solicit design CG perspectives from people overseas under the “TOKYO/JAPAN Office” theme.
We plan to add the ideas and techniques of applicants to a database that will serve Japanese companies designing and constructing stores.
It's anything but a simplistic contest. As rewards, we purchase
all CG perspectives, design rights, and copyrights in each Grand Prix.
We look forward to many entries from those who understand and agree with the purpose of the public offering.
Recruitment theme

Futuristic feeling
※ NO people
Meeting Room
※ NO people

Work Space
※ NO people
Free Space
(Cafe,Refreshment Space)
※ NO people

President Room
※ NO people
There are no restrictions on the type and volume of furniture or the usage and composition of the room.
The basic theme is "TOKYO/JAPAN Office." But you are welcome to add new work styles, ideas, and design essences.
All designs must be original to applicants, either individuals or teams. Do not submit reproductions.
All perspectives should assume daylight hours.
The content should be free from possible copyright infringement. Never feature Disney characters or brands of other companies, for example.
Avoid an infeasible, unrealistic, or virtual theme with current construction technology.
The reward for each Grand Prix-winning perspective will be a sales transfer contract that covers the complete transfer of all CG, design rights, and copyrights.
The company may purchase and get all the copyrights to an unsuccessful perspective for 5,000 pesos if the company likes it.
Evaluation Standard
▼ Design
The design has the power to attract and soften people and the elements that will be loved for a long time even after time passes.
Let us know what kind of value your design can provide to the city of Tokyo.
▼Practicality & comfort
The office is a space that leads to business success with working people who manage stress skillfully.
Please tell us what points you focused on to create a practical and comfortable environment where various people gather and share their time in life.

Overall winner
100,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 contestant (regardless of what category)
Overall runner-up
50,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 contestant (regardless of what category)
heading h1
Entrance Prize
30,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 name
Meeting R
30,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 name
Work Space
30,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 name

Free Space
30,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 name
President R
30,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 name
Fine Work
5,000 PHP
Purchase (copyright transfer)
1 name
Consolation Prize
5,000 PHP (copyright transfer)
Up to 20 contestants
※Red texts are the schedule that has changed.
September 1 to October 28, 2022
Application Period
November 11, 2022 (24:00 GMT +8:00)
Submission Deadline
November 14 to 17, 2022
Review Period
November 22, 2022
Result Announcement


SPACE PRODUCE Co., Ltd. is a design and construction company for restaurants, apparel, beauty salon, clinics, and other establishments in Japan.
Despite the COVID crisis, there have recently been increased requests for office designs as many companies try to boost employee morale and promote innovation.
Our goal is to actualize a "Good working environment" and "Meaningful workplace" for those who work in Japan.
We must design offices with a creative and global mindset to achieve our goal.
The first stage was the creation of this competition.
We sincerely hope your excellent concepts and ideas into much-anticipated CG perspectives.

NECO Inc. creates CG, video and futuristic space for Japanese construction-related businesses. On the other hand, we work as a subcontractor with EIJYU SANGYO PHILS INC., which is regarded as one of the fast-growing BPO firms in the Philippines that manages all of our projects.
Over 15,000 projects have been accomplished in the past nine years. We can provide a countless proactive ideas promptly when managing numerous projects.
We wish to encourage a "Good working environment" and "Meaningful workplace" concepts that SPACE PRODUCE envisions.
An effective workplace encourages employee motivation and triumph. For business, it's a significant investment much like when someone has an opportunity on deciding once-in-a-lifetime home purchase.
In addition we are certain that a restaurants have menu, furniture stores have a model sample list but office doesn’t have all of these, therefore we at NECO provides solutions and we hold hands to achieve our goal.
It is our first time to organize this kind of competition, we will assure everyone that it will be a productive campaign and we will achieve a great knowledge of experience. Please support in making our venture a successful one although we are new to this ideas which came from scratch but with this opportunity we will prove that everything is achievable.